In Good Health

The Colorado Health Foundation’s blog is designed to share perspectives, personal stories and what we are learning in our efforts to ensure that, across Colorado, each of us can say: “We have all we need to live healthy lives.”

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Coloradans’ State of Mind: The Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health
As we continue to make our way through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s become clear that
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Black woman wearing a mask.
3 Things to Know About Coronavirus and Black/African American Coloradans
Colorado’s Black/African American residents make up just under 4% of the state’s population, but as
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Latinx man looking down. Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash.
3 Things to Know About Coronavirus and Latinx Coloradans
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is not colorblind. Data detailing who’s getting sick and who’s
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Grocery story sign. Photo by Allie on Unsplash.
3 Things to Know About Coronavirus and Coloradans Living on Low Incomes
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has exposed cracks in Colorado’s public systems. Findings from
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When Decisions Get Hard, We Listen Harder: Survey Reveals Impact of Coronavirus
My phone vibrates with an alert, a press conference airs on TV and my Facebook feed lights up – each
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Road to recovery
Listening for Answers and Looking in the Mirror
Everything we do is with an eye and ear toward community. That’s why during these tumultuous weeks
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A series of storefronts in Delta County, Colorado
Opening as Many Doors as We Can
Coloradans are facing unparalleled health, social and economic setbacks as a result of the
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Colombian mother and daughter hugging.
Discriminatory Public Charge Rule Threatens Health of Coloradans
Discriminatory changes to the Department of Homeland Security’s regulations about the U.S
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Storefront with hello written in different languages.
The Space Around the “Yes” and the “No”
I remember what it was like working on the nonprofit side of the funding equation. I remember
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Walking Tour Image
Fearlessness: Our Key 2020 Strategy
I woke up in Durango on my first day back in the office this year to hear from Coloradans who are
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This is the Alt Text
Our 2020 Policy Agenda Following a Year of Threats to Health
Policies enacted at the local, state and national levels have substantial impact on the health of
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Park bench in Alamosa, Colorado
Sabbatical Program Allows Nonprofit Leaders to Rejuvenate and Staff to Build Capacity
A while back, a staff member at the Foundation asked me about the possibility of participating in a
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