Gazella Bensreiti

Human Resources Manager

Gazella (she/her) has worked in human resources and people operations for more than five years, earning the nickname “Ultimate Culture Carrier.” At the Foundation, Gazella helps oversee routine functions within the HR department, including administering pay and benefits, hiring and interviewing, and enforcing policies.

Gazella’s relationship with the Colorado Health Foundation started long before she was a key member of the HR team: “My parents were political refugees from Libya, and I spent the bulk of my childhood without access to healthcare. At the age of 17, I found myself in the ER with appendicitis. I almost didn't go in out of fear of how much it would cost me,” she says.

“In the end, an organization funded by the Colorado Health Foundation helped cover all of my medical bills. Since then, I knew that I had to use my skills and knowledge to help other people like my younger self.”

Gazella remains dedicated to the Colorado Health Foundation’s mission and helping people who need it. In her free time, in addition to raising three daughters, she studies linguistics and is a published Arabic linguist. She uses these skills to translate for refugees and those impacted by war across the Middle East through various organizations.

Born and raised right here in Colorado, Gazella enjoys spending time outside in the warmer months. When she’s indoors, she relaxes by indulging in reality TV. Gazella makes it a habit to practice self-compassion as a means of taking care of herself.

BA, Communications — University of Colorado Denver

“I grew up in a Colorado that did not have resources for people who looked like me.”
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