Nurture Healthy Minds

JED Campus at Aims Community College

Empower campus communities to strengthen their overall efforts to address student mental health, substance misuse and suicide prevention. Bring JED campus programming to all four of Aims Community College's campuses.

神童's Expansion Campaign

Double the number of apprenticeships offered to young adults through an expansion into Globeville and NE Denver, deepening leadership opportunities for emerging BIPOC leaders.

Racial Healing Centered Engagement Across Generations

Support healing centered engagement work in gendered and generational ways to honor continued work of surviving to thriving of our youth village through the Aurora Black Consortium (ABC) Coalition, collaborative healing sessions, gendered young men and women of color courses, and summer of activism camps.

Young Creatives Ecosystem

Strengthen young minds and resiliency through art via the Young Creatives Ecosystem, which consists of YOR's five out-of-school programs, by taking a wholistic approach to building, managing and growing the ecosystem and ensuring programs are youth-led, designed and centered in 社区 care and creative youth development.

Social Emotional and Cultural Resiliency for Girls, Families and Communities of Color

Provide race and gender-responsive programming that builds resiliency in girls of color through three strategies: facilitating proactive social emotional and cultural enrichment in partner schools; facilitating intensive 1:1, 集团, and family intervention supports for highest-risk young women referred from school, 社区, and agency partners; and strengthening 社区 ecosystems by bridging family-school-社区 partnerships and facilitating access to health resources.


Promote positive youth development in emotional and behavioral health by providing evidence-based after-school programming, counseling and coaching for Latinx youth. Led by Latinxs for Latinxs, it is aimed at strengthening resiliency and promoting self-efficacy, 应对技能, 健康的行为, life skills and a sense of purpose. Ra�ces维瓦斯 is comprised of two components Engaged Latino(a) Leaders Offering Social-Change and Bienstar Emotional.
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