

Relationships and connections are critical components to an organization and/or community’s ability to work together in service of addressing shared goals. Our Building and Bridging Connections funding aims to strengthen social capital and community-building efforts aimed at addressing health challenges and advancing 卫生公平.


  • 创建连接, 建立信任和互惠, and expanding dialogue on a community’s view of itself that positions them for future collective action
  • Building community between people of color and/or groups working together within a community (e.g. 十大菠菜靠谱平台土著妇女, 有残疾的黑人, 认为自己是LGBTQ的亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民, 等.),他们可能以前没有一起工作过
  • Amplifying voices who have historically had less power and/or privilege within community through prioritization and inclusion of cultural practices that represent and honor cultural heritage, 历史, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台生活经历的故事和传统
  • Connecting different parts of community to one another that traditionally have not interacted

计划或项目必须集中在一个特定的, defined community that aligns with the 基金会的基石 and prioritizes groups that have historically been left out of community-building efforts, 比如有色人种社区, 移民和难民社区, 残疾人士, LGBTQ社区和其他社区取决于环境.

我们的建设和桥梁连接基金没有申请截止日期. 申请是在滚动的基础上接受和审查的. 拨款决定一般会在提案提交后45天内作出. 助学金通常从25美元起,000 to $90,000, 并将支持12至24个月的计划或项目.

建议的计划和/或项目必须反映 基金会的基石. 这些概述了我们为谁服务,我们的工作是如何被告知和我们的意图创造 卫生公平.

有问题? We’re here to talk through your ideas and encourage you to connect with us before applying for funding. 如果你还没有十大菠菜靠谱平台到项目负责人, 请十大菠菜靠谱平台托马斯·加莱戈斯, 项目官员, by email 或致电303-953-3637.

我有必要加入我的律师事务所,请帮忙español,请帮忙contáctenos a (email保护)


All proposals must reflect the 基金会的基石 and demonstrate how the proposed work will address 卫生公平 and center on racial justice. 申请人还必须:

  1. 专注于一个特定的、明确的社区.
    • Proposed programs or projects must describe a specific geo-located community (geographic region such local community, 社区, 乡, 直辖市).
    • 被确定的社区必须包括那些历史上权力较小的人, 特权和/或收入, 以及在参与过程中遇到的障碍, 或者成为…的一部分, 与解决问题. 优先人群包括有色人种社区, 移民和难民社区, 残疾人士, LGBTQ社区和其他社区取决于环境.
  2. 确保该计划或计划是由确定的社区塑造和支持的.
    • There must be evidence that there is an existing relationship between the applicant organization and identified community members, 了解请求中所确定的社区的需求和优先事项, and that there is a thoughtful and deliberate plan for intentional engagement with the identified community.
    • 建议的计划或项目应由确定的社区告知并形成, 并包括来自申请组织之外的其他人的支持, 包括受工作影响最大的人以及潜在合作伙伴的支持.
    • 被识别的社区, those most impacted and potential partners should be engaged in the work in an ongoing way that supports modifications to the program or project based on feedback.
  3. Reflect shared roles and responsibilities between the applicant organization and identified community for engagement and implementation of the program or project.
    • 这些努力应该得到积极的支持, 真正的, caring and mutually trusting connections with community members in order to better leverage connections, 帮助应对挑战的网络和资源.
  • 把来自一个特定社区的不同类型的人聚集在一起讨论, 互相学习,加强十大菠菜靠谱平台. 这可能发生在团队内部和/或跨团队.
  • Bringing community members and leaders together recognizing linguistic or language differences with the purpose of listening and learning from each other about how community issues impact them. Discussions should be focused on bringing community members together to foster better connections and identify solutions to health challenges.
  • 支持社区成员围绕共同的活动一起工作, 分享他们的故事和文化, 并强调通常不包括的声音. 这可能包括在艺术方面的努力, 爱好, 户外/体育活动或非语言分享机会.
  • 把人们聚集在一起开始或重新开始一段对话. 这些聚会应该是包容的,并解决社区主导的机会, 挑战和/或需求.
  • Creating opportunities that help people break down historical barriers between individuals, 专注于更好地合作的团体和组织.
  • Create shared goals and take coordinated actions to ensure all voices are engaged to work on community priorities.
  • 支持社区成员发展与合作相关的技能, 与领导者和决策者建立十大菠菜靠谱平台, 和/或采取集体行动.
  • Intentional inclusion of cultural practices and traditions to foster healing and belonging within the community.
  • Organizations considered for funding may include community-based 组织 (inclusive of informal groups with a fiscal sponsor) and local public agencies working with community members who are living on low income and have historically had less power and/or privilege.
  • Priority will be given to proposals that are strongly aligned with the 基金会的基石 and are inclusive of the contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

资金 will not be provided in situations where an organization or group is seeking to enter a community (e.g., 规划, 预评估, 调查, education) for the first time or has not demonstrated active and intentional connection to parts of the community.


  • 社会资本: 网络, norms and trust that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives.
  • 社区建设: Nurturing and utilizing community talent, knowledge and resources to shape the community’s future. 活动, 加强技能的资源和支持, abilities and confidence of people and community groups to take effective action and leading roles in advancing 卫生公平.
  • 基于资产的方法: 包括为人们提供便利, 邻里和社区要团结起来实现积极的改变, 使用和建立在他们现有的知识, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台影响他们社区的问题的技能和生活经验.
  • 社区: 广泛的, the Foundation defines community as a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific and shared locality, 而且往往有共同的特点, 兴趣和/或文化和历史遗产. 具体地说, 基金会认为下列实体属于定义范围:个人, 组织, 网络, 联盟, 亚类, 社区, 具有共同特点和共同利益的区域和制度.

我们经常与第三方评估人员合作, contractors and other 组织 over the course of our work with applicants and grantees. Your application and its attachments may be shared with these individuals or entities during the review process and grant cycle. All third-party 组织 partnering with the Foundation have signed a confidentiality agreement and will not use or share the information for purposes outside of the scope of work specific to the grant application or grant award. 如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请发送email (email保护) 或致电303-953-3600我们的资助业务高级总监.

我们鼓励所有申请者 报名 in our grants portal to confirm registration is complete at least a week in advance of submitting a grant application.

我有必要加入我的律师事务所,请帮忙español,请帮忙contáctenos a (email保护)


有问题? 请十大菠菜靠谱平台您的项目官员获取更多信息.


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