Park bench in Alamosa, Colorado.

Nonprofit Sabbatical Program

十大菠菜靠谱老平台目前正在接受申请我们的非营利组织休假计划。. Por favor, envía una solicitud a través de nuestro portal de subvenciones para ser considerado/a para el programa. Las solicitudes deben ser entregadas antes de las 11:59 p.m. (hora de las Montañas Rocosas) del 15 de diciembre y serán revisadas después de la fecha límite. 申请者将在2024年春末夏初收到申请状态通知。. Si tienes preguntas sobre el programa o el proceso de solicitud, por favor contacta a Carolyn Love de Kebaya Consulting por correo electrónico o llamando al 303-438-0953.

在当今世界,成功地管理一个非营利组织需要大量的奉献和时间。. Sin embargo, 非营利组织的领导人通常是如此致力于他们的使命,以至于花时间去振兴他们可能会成为次要的。. 非营利组织休假计划旨在表彰和奖励科罗拉多州受人尊敬的、长期存在的非营利组织领导人。, 加强领导组织,为临时领导和工作人员能力建设提供资金. 该项目为非营利组织的管理人员提供了一个机会,让他们从工作职责中休息一下,投入一些时间来恢复活力。. Idealmente, 高管将回到他的职业生涯与新的想法和新的承诺对他的工作, el sector sin fines de lucro, la salud y la equidad en salud de todas las personas en Colorado.

Nuestros tres pilares fundamentales son “imprescindibles” en todo lo que hacemos 并指导我们解决最深刻和历史上根深蒂固的不平等问题。. 我们希望我们的合作伙伴在与我们合作时优先考虑这些关键支柱。. Este compromiso requiere que prioricemos a un grupo diverso de beneficiarios, 他们的工作和价值观符合我们的基本支柱,代表了一系列的身份, incluyendo la raza/etnia, identidad de género, capacidad/identidad de discapacidad, orientación sexual y área geográfica.

Se otorgarán hasta cinco periodos sabáticos al año. Cada periodo sabático se deberá tomar dentro de 18 meses desde su otorgación. 

Los proyectos de pro-defensa propuestos deben reflejar los pilares fundamentales de la fundación, 因为我们的工作是为科罗拉多州的低收入人群服务,他们历来权力或特权较少。, 将建立卫生公平作为我们所做一切工作的核心,并以社区和我们为之服务的人为指导.

基金会聘请了一个技术援助小组,向感兴趣的候选人和受援者提供支助。. 我们建议非营利组织及其主管在寻求这种帮助之前单独寻求专业的税务建议。.

The sabbatical award is made in the form of a grant – up to $100,000 – for charitable support to a Colorado-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and includes:

  1. Grantee executive to take three-to-four month hiatus for activities of their choice to reflect, rest and rejuvenate:
    • Up to $20,000 for sabbatical activities (e.g., personal activities such as travel or wellness activities)
    • Between $25,000-$55,000 subsidy for salary and benefits (dependent on current salary)
  2. Grantee interim leadership needs (individual or a team):
    • Up to $10,000 to support interim leadership needs while grantee is away on sabbatical
  3. Grantee staff capacity building needs:
    • Up to $15,000 to help strengthen staff capacity (e.g. professional development, staff well-being, etc.),在休假期间或领奖后两年内使用
    • 各组织将需要说明工作人员如何参与确定这些资金的使用情况,以确保这些资金用于工作人员的直接需要

In addition to providing funding for the above sabbatical activities, the program also includes a one-month executive-in-residence at the Foundation. 行政驻地由项目受赠人、基金会领导和工作人员设计,作为互利的共同学习经验. Learn more.

Successful applicants will meet the following individual and organizational eligibility criteria:


  • Be a Colorado-based executive director, 一个致力于为科罗拉多人带来健康和健康权益的非营利组织的首席执行官或部落行政官
  • Be an outstanding and respected leader with a demonstrated record of community contribution
  • Have served at least three years in current executive role (five years preferred)
  • Have at least seven years’ experience in an executive leadership role within the nonprofit sector
  • Be a full-time employee and resident of Colorado
  • 表明承诺在休完假返回后至少在本组织留任三年
  • Have organization’s board approval
  • Present an interim leadership plan that sustains the organization during the sabbatical period
  • Present an organizational capacity building plan, created in partnership with staff, which addresses the need for growth, development and well-being
  • Have at least three full-time employees on staff at the organization
  • 愿意在十大菠菜靠谱老平台担任为期一个月的行政住院医师
  • Be willing to participate in program alumni activities


  • 位于科罗拉多州,提供服务和/或项目,为科罗拉多州人带来健康和健康公平 
  • Operate as a public charity, and not a private foundation, under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3)
  • 各组织必须雇用至少3名全职雇员或3名兼职雇员加起来的兼职雇员. If volunteers currently play a role in fulfilling permanent needs, 我们将清楚地考虑这一设想,说明在不久的将来如何/是否会过渡到一个永久雇员基地. Contractors and vendors who support an organization cannot be counted as permanent employees
  • At least 50% of the population served must be living on low income
  • At least 60% of the services and programming conducted must directly occur in Colorado
  • Guarantee maintenance and sustainability of regular operations during the applicant’s absence
  • Demonstrate a need for and commitment to supporting organizational, 以员工为动力的能力建设,以加强本组织完成任务的能力
  • Guarantee regular health and other benefits to awardee during their absence

Once awarded, sabbatical grantees must comply with the following program expectations:

  • Three-to-four months of consecutive, uninterrupted leave. This timeframe includes a one-month executive-in-residence at the Foundation, which is headquartered in Denver. Details of the executive-in-residence will be determined by grantees and the Foundation.
  • No return visits for meetings or events during sabbatical and executive-in-residence.
  • 在休假或行政人员常驻期间,没有与工作或志愿人员有关的电话或电子邮件往来.
  • 与工作无关的活动(你希望在休假期间从事的任何专业发展以外的活动)
  • Sabbatical must be taken within 18 months of receipt
  • Disengage from professional activities (e.g., volunteer boards, committees, teaching assignments, etc.)

Awarded grantees are expected to engage in key program activities, including the following:

  • Pre-Sabbatical Orientation: The Foundation will provide orientation support with program grantees.
  • Executive-in-Residence: 基金会将专门与计划受奖人合作,以确定一种为期一个月的行政驻地方法,这是一个共同学习的机会,对受奖人与基金会都是互利的。. It is expected that the grantee will reside in Denver during this time period. Housing, 食品和交通费用由基金会支付给那些需要搬迁到行政官邸的人(无论他们住在丹佛都市区内还是外)。. 赠款预计将参加为期四周的方案行政驻地部分. However, 我们为无法连续四周聘用行政人员的受让人提供灵活性(例如:.g. a grantee may decide to engage two weeks at a time over the course of the sabbatical period). The executive-in-residence is not available during December due to the holiday season. Watch a short overview of the residency program to learn more
  • Post-Sabbatical: The Foundation requires a short, 在休假后6至12周就受赠人的休假经历举行非正式报告或汇报会议.

The program includes a TA provider to support both interested applicants and awarded grantees. The TA provider will:

  • Consult applicants and their organizations to develop a strong application
  • Consult and support orientation for sabbatical grantees
  • Consult and support exit and re-entry for sabbatical grantees
  • Consult and support interim leadership during sabbatical period

Beneficiarios del Programa sabático para organizaciones sin fines de lucro de 2022

Lea nuestro anuncio para obtener más información sobre los beneficiarios de 2022.

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